Are You Ready For the Bridegroom?
Don Stewart's 12 Reasons We are in the Last Days...(According to the Bible)
Hello Family,
If you are those who know the Lord Jesus, the Messiah (Christ), as their Savior and King, and are filled with the Holy Spirit of God, then you might want to get used to saying "family" to each other. We are adopted sons and daughters of our Father in Heaven, the Creator of the Universe and all existence. (Ephesians 1:4-6, 2:19, John 1:12, 14:18, Galatians 3:26, 4:4-7, Romans 8:14-19, 8:26, 9:8, 1 John 3:1, Psalm 27:10) As all children on earth are adopted into a family and counted as their flesh and blood, so are we with our Father in heaven. Once we were washed white a snow (Isaiah 1:18, Psalm 51:7)and given life to our once dead spirit, we are now alive and well, counted as one of the family in our Savior's and Father's eyes. The Holy Spirit will tell you so. (Romans 8:12-17) How sweet it is to know this truth. You and I are never alone in this world, with or without family. Our Father ensured we were never to be alone and abandoned. With this in mind, let me get into my reason for this post.
Our God in heaven, the Holy Spirit within us, let me experience a sort of "trust journey" to learn what He needed me to see. I was not sure what to do with the next section in the Romans journey, but God was leading me to understand some things first.
Usually, when we do what God calls us to, we must learn things first, before we do them with the right heart and understanding. It is wise to wait on the Lord and trust His timing for your calling, not yours or anyone else's. They don't know what God is doing in you or anyone else. You need to grow to give fruit from the vine to others, and/or grow interest from your talents. (Matthew 25:14-30) You need to have your eyes, ears, and mind opened to the ways and things of God in your life. Pray for these things, and He is faithful to help.
When I read Romans 1:18-32:
This section of scripture is discussing the result of God's anger and wrath concerning those in today's timeline, due to their worship of creation, sexual sins, and overall evil unleashed. Really, it pertains to any generation, but this particular generation is living as in the days of Noah. (Matthew 24) I really become sad and concerned about, as it pertains to lost souls. This is the premise of why our family needs to be in the Word of God, pray incessantly, and be in fellowship as much as possible with like minded believers, worshipping our Creator.
Did you notice that I didn't say service? Well, this is being addressed throughout my ministry, but yes, you must go do what you are called to do. I am trying diligently to listen to the calling of our Lord God in my life, despite the distractions and frustrations the enemy and my flesh dish out at every step, when I go in the right direction. Our Father God's will in our life will have opposition when we are going in the right direction with our growth, and when we do as we are called. The beautiful thing about our Father in heaven, is that when He starts a work in our lives, He finishes it. So, with that in mind, know:
- Even if you are struggling with this world and yourself, know that the Holy Spirit within you, Jesus our King, and Father God in heaven will "complete the mighty work to which He began in you".
What do I mean? Well, Jesus is waiting in the threshold of our door, to rapture us from this earth's coming wrath. This morning I heard from Jan Markell about a film called "Before the Wrath", in which they explained that it provides a well documented explanation of how the rapture is related to a Galilean wedding. I saw this movie and was wonderfully excited and joyful about the correlation. The reviews were saying even non-believers were asking intently about the rapture to come.
The disheartening thing about that interview that I heard was that many Christians do not even believe in a rapture, let alone a pre-tribulation rapture. Even with Jesus here to speak to the disciples and 12 apostles, many disciples (not the 12) walked away. Apostasy is a real thing, even in the church.
How many of you have read or heard the phrase spoken about Jesus telling His disciples that beating a wife before the wedding was customary?
Did I hear an owl hoot? ๐ฆHmm...Excuse me while I clear my figurative throat...
Of course you never heard such an outrageous statement, nor read one! ๐ฃ
He does not tell any husband to beat his wife, but to love her, as He does the bride of Christ, His Bride. He is holy, righteous, kind, merciful, loving, patient, self-controlled, peaceful, joyful, gracious, long-suffering, and faithful.
He calls us to these same principles.
Did I mention that He is just? Oh, the word just means that He knows exactly your heart's intent and can know if you are guilty of a sin. You don't even know yourself as well as He does. That is the most amazing and wonderful aspect. While all of those wonderful other traits are true, so is this one...just.
God of the Universe, our King, our Creator is a just God. He is a righteous Judge. He is El Roi (Old Testament Hebrew Lexicon: El Ro`iy), meaning, He Sees, or more specific terms, Shepherd.
He sees the hearts of all men. He sees you. You can't hide. No matter where you go, He is there. That is no joke, and thankfully so. What if you were legitimately lost in the deepest crevice of a mountain, where no living being existed? Did you know, God can see you there? He is El Ro`iy.
Consider the story of Hagar, Abraham, and Sarah. This is basically a story of impatience gone awry. Abraham and Sarah were impatient with God's promise of a child and descendants, so they took it upon themselves to make it happen on their terms. This is a classic situation of not waiting on God and the consequences. Hagar did have a child, but in the end, she was sent away into the wilderness. God saw her and made sure she was in good hands, His hands. She was the first recorded person to speak this name about God's character...the great Shepherd.
Who is the Great Shepherd you ask? Well, Jesus Christ is our Shepherd. Psalm 23 is Him telling us that He is the one that makes us rest, restores us to being white as snow, leading us to and through this life on earth with His Word and His comfort. He is our Jehovah Jireh and He is our El Roy.
We have been waiting on God's promise that He will send His Son to grab His church from the Wrath of the Lamb. I am thankful, that unlike what Sarah and Abraham did with being impatient with a promise God gave them, that God will not rush His timing about the rapture. What a long-suffering, patient, loving God we serve and love!
What is this "Wrath of the Lamb"? It is judgement upon the earth, the "Cup of Wrath" is another statement made. This is not a pleasant, nor easy time to live. The earth will tremble at the indignation God will pour upon the earth. He will rightfully judge those who rejected His Son He sent to be the Redeemer of our souls.
This church age will be no more, and it will be a time of "Jacob's Trouble", the last week of the "70 weeks of Daniel". This is also known as the "Great Tribulation".
This is also a time for rejoicing, as God will turn His face back to His firstborn, the Jews. His beloved chosen people who have struggled for so long to see that their Abba Father in heaven was faithful to provide our Messiah, as He said throughout Torah and throughout the books of the prophets, in the Old Testament, Jesus is the Messiah, the One True and Holy King of Israel. He is the rightful and just Ruler they seek to lead them and take care of their needs. It hurts to know that they must go through the Great Tribulation.
Through brokenness, God is faithful to restore.
Israel will know and learn that Jesus is their true Messiah that they have been blinded to see. They will weep when they realize and see Whom they and their ancestors pierced.
I am thankful for God's mercy on them (our Jewish family) and us. We are unworthy of such a blessed hope and redemption He gives us. I love my Father in heaven and Jesus my Christ (Messiah), my Savior and King so much. I can't help but become weepy writing this to you. How can I describe the joy and overwhelming desire I have to show Him how much I love Him. Though it is a menial amount compared to His love for us, for me.
I must ask, and I want you to consider this concept: ✋
Can you imagine giving your only child's life for others to live, and then they spit, mock, attack, ignore, and disdain what that child did for them?
Basically, what is happening:
You are taking the gift God gave you for life with Him in heaven and eternity, THEN crushing it with your feet, spitting on it, and tearing it to pieces. In essence, this is happening to God Himself, Jesus, and our Father God in heaven.
He is a righteous and holy God. His Son, Jesus is a righteous and holy God. Yet, humans still choose to say no in the most violent of ways to accept the gift. The breath of life God gave is precious and God gave everyone a way to that eternal life. I can't imagine God's sadness about His creation being so abusive to Him, yet He still keeps pursuing everyone to point of their death. Wooing them into eternity.
If people died without Jesus as their Lord and Savior, it was because God gave them every single possible opportunity in their life, to the point of their last thought, to accept Jesus as their Savior and repent. There are many who were seemingly dead, but had that last chance, while unconscious to accept Him.
There is never an excuse.
Praise be to God that He is El Ro`iy and that He is El Shaddai (The Almighty and All Sufficient One). Praise be His name throughout all the earth that Jesus came down and died for us, so that we can live with our Father, and Jesus in heaven, and later, on earth and into eternity.
Jesus is coming back and He is at the threshold of earth, waiting on our Father in heaven to say the word, "GO!"
"Look up, for our redemption is here!"
Youtube: Recorded live from Worship Initiative Studios in Dallas, Texas. Song: Jesus We Love You by Paul McClure
Youtube: Gratitude" sung by Brandon Lake from his new album, House of Miracles. Subscribe for the latest videos and songs:
Youtube: Elevation Worship - The Blessing (Lyrics) with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes [re-upload] “The Blessing” with Kari Jobe and Cody Carnes live from Elevation Ballantyne. Subscribe to their channel to get the latest videos and songs:
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