The Power and Weapon of Praise


The Praise of My Soul to Our King

   Hello Family,

    I am back to write about some more tools in your spiritual toolbelt to use during these last days. Hopefully, this ministry will be seen well after we are raptured and home safe with our Father God in heaven. I would love to provide more than just these tools during this time. The church will go through fire and persecution, and the world will come against those who love Jesus with all of their heart. For some, the idea of praise being a weapon against the enemy Satan, and his minions is a no brainer. I am thankful you are some of those who understand this power. However, if you are one that doesn't understand what this means, alongside the proof in the Bible, and how to use it, please let me teach you.

When did this happen in real life?

  Take a look in the time before Jesus was born. Back almost a little more than 900 years before Jesus was born, Jehoshaphat was born. According to Bible Hub's biography of this king, Jehoshaphat was "pious" (2 Chronicles 17:3-6) and "persevering", meaning, he walked in the way of the Lord God and tried to keep his walk on that path throughout his life. He also struggled quite a bit, such as not seeking God on his choice in politics. The king of Israel, king Ahab, was not a good ally for Judah, but an evil king. God put judgement upon Ahab, but chastised king Jehoshaphat. Jehoshaphat made a bad deal with an evil king. Ahab was warned and this King of Israel was against the messengers of God. Therefore, Ahab hated God. If you read at this point in the story (2 Chronicles 19:2), you will see that God points this out about Ahab's heart against Him.  

      God said His wrath would not come upon Jehoshaphat, because he did the right thing to tear down the temples that worshipped false gods, and he was in a humble place in his heart, seeking God. Most of what he did as a king was to seek what God wanted him to do. Was he perfect in his calling as king? Nope. 

    Due to him following God and seeking God's counsel on how to rule Judah, many nations came against Judah. Jehoshaphat fasted and prayed with his kingdom, seeking counsel about the invaders. They had what is known in the Bible as a contrite heart. 

What does contrite heart mean?

 This is a precious place to be with the Lord God. What this means is that you are aware of who you are before God. Humble and understanding that your life is in the hands of the El Shaddai, our Creator, our Omniscient and Omnipotent God in heaven. Who is like Him? Read the book of Job (Job 38), as one example of His mighty power as Creator and Mighty God. 

   One pastor put it as the shield of faith, written in the letter to the Ephesians (Chapter 6:10-20). The shield of faith requires us to be in complete submission and have a humble heart, knowing that only through faith in Who God, our Lord Jesus, and our Father in heaven is, will the shield guard us from the fiery darts of the enemies of God. 

     He is merciful, gracious, kind, faithful, gentle, loving, long-suffering, and always true (Hebrews 13:7-9) in all that He does. He does not waver (Malachi 3:6)from one characteristic to the antithesis of that character trait. He is perfect, holy, and righteous in all His ways, including judgement of man's heart (Psalm 139). 

   Praise be to God in heaven for His mercy, as our hearts are terribly deceitful and wicked! (Jeremiah 17:9-10)

    Jehoshaphat was a man who knew who God was, and he knew who he (Jehoshaphat, in case you are lost in the sea of pronouns 😁) was before an Almighty God and King of Existence.

    When we continue the story of the king of Judah, we see that due to them seeking the Lord with the humble heart (Jeremiah 29: 10:-14, James 4:7-10), worshipping Him, trusting Him, that we see God answers their plea. God said through a different messenger of God, Jahaziel, a son of Zechariah, that they should listen, speaking the name king Jehoshaphat directly. The Lord God said to them all, "The battle is not yours, but God's. Be still (steadfast), see the salvation of your Lord God, do not fear or be discouraged." 

What did they do in response? 

 They all prostrated themselves in their heart with joyful praise and worship of God, trusting in His plan for them. Knowing that they have victory, not of themselves, but of their Almighty King Jesus, going before them as a hedge, and as a mighty warrior on their behalf. He was, is, and will be their everything. (1 Corinthians 15:50-58, Psalm 86, Exodus 15)

   How did they worship?

  They raised their voices loud and high to give glory to God through song. They probably had instruments, and they probably were dancing. However, it is made clear they were at peace and joy with no other reason than our Daddy God in heaven taking their place in this battle. Giving them victory over their enemy. (Psalm 96, 98

The Impossible Victory  

   The day of battle was upon the kingdom of Judah. King Jehoshaphat was gearing to go. He spoke to all Judah out in the wilderness. He told them that they need to have faith in God and Who He is, and believe the prophets (messengers) that come into their midst from God. He told the people of Judah, of Jerusalem, that God will be with them and they will prosper if they continue in those beliefs, even while in the wilderness, not seeing the outcome just yet. Their faith was what God wanted, then God went before them, and conquered all of those who would come against His people. 

  What can you learn from this real life event?

Lets break down the story by pieces and see how God calls us to use this mighty tool of praise. 

1. We need to know that in order to truly have a humble (contrite) heart, you must understand who God our Father in heaven is, as well as Jesus Christ our Messiah. God says in His word, that we are to seek Him and His Kingdom, then all things will be added to you (Matthew 6:33, Psalm 34). 

     That doesn't mean that He is our puppet and our genie. He is our Creator and He is our God. (Nehemiah 9:5-6) He knows our beginning and end on Earth (Proverbs 20:24). He planned out the path that would help you (Proverbs 19:20). He is all knowing and all powerful (Revelations 19:6,). Can you really expect anything else?  It is important to recognize that we can't do anything without God's help as Christian on this world. (Proverbs 3:5-6) We also can't save ourselves. Only Jesus did that for us over 2,000 years ago. The only way to know Jesus our Messiah and God our Father, then learn more about God the Holy Spirit (John 14:25-31)is to read the Bible daily and fervently (with passion and intensity) (Romans 12:9-21, 15:4, Hebrews 4:12, 2 Timothy 3:16). 

2. Fasting and Praying are a major part of the praise and worship we give to our Father in heaven and Jesus our Savior and Redeemer (Matthew 6:16-18). 

  Fasting is something that is a personal decision. Some churches do this together, while some do it independently, as led. I have done both. I was hesitant to do fasting for a long time, as I was concerned about my heart. I wanted to draw near to God desperately in that way, but I didn't understand and I wanted my intentions to be about Him and not my physical well being (like dieting). 

    At this point in my walk, I am able to discern when the Lord is calling me to fast, as I ask Him if there is a need. Sometimes the need to fast is related to demonic warfare (Mark 9:25-29), while others are for inquiries about direction and  understanding. He is faithful to hear our prayers when we deny ourselves purposefully during this practice. It is important to note that fasting without reading God's word often and daily,  as well as  time alone daily, and often with the Lord in prayer is required. Otherwise, why fast?

     Fasting is not an indicator of holiness or levels of anyone's walk. It is a personal plea to our Savior Jesus, His Holy Spirit within us, and Daddy God about our need, lack of understanding, our sorrow, and our protection (Isaiah 58, Deuteronomy 19:18-19)  . I will delve into this more another time. If you feel led to begin a fast, read the book of Daniel and see what he did. Then, do your research to learn how to do this version, or just let go of something for a time that is important to you, such as social media and your phone. Now that will require a lot of sacrifice for many. 😂   

     I recommend, asking God how and if He wants you to do fasting at the time in which you decide. He will teach you.  

3. Jehoshaphat and his kingdom sang worship songs to the Lord. As I mentioned, they may have been singing, playing instruments, and dancing. It is all dependent on how you want to express your love and devotion to our Daddy God in heaven, and our Savior Jesus Christ, for what They both did for us in this world. 

     If you don't know what they did, please take a look at my website page about the gospel. Click this link and you will be brought there to read the gospel and understand what I am saying in all of my blogs and videos. 

  In the scriptures in 2 Chronicles 20, you read that they sang loud and high to God. They didn't all have perfect voices to our ears on earth. They didn't all dance and play instruments the way we expect rock stars to play. They worshipped with all of their heart, and God knew it. God knows our hearts. He knows why we sing, dance, or do any form of worship. Music is a wonderful way to express your love to God. It is a way to remind people of Who He is. It is a way to pray for others and to God. 

  When I am in church, in the car, or anywhere where I can let loose and just sing my heart out to Jesus, at times while in worship (especially during church service) I will be called to pray. I can't help it, but this is a form of worship. While I am singing, I am truly digging in on the lyrics of the song, all the while, I am dancing. I don't become a distraction to others, just mild movements with my body, hands, arms, feet. I have desires to lift my hands in surrender to Him, as this is my sacrifice and humble heart before Him. I can't help but lift my hands and arms in praise. (1 Timothy 2) I can't help but pray and reflect on His wonderful glory and power. I reflect on my past, present, and hope of Jesus coming soon to grab us to go home. I think and get sad about the latter quite often. Another time, I will explain my heart on that statement. 

4. Think and reflect on the joy and peace you have in our King Jesus and our Father in heaven. Reflect on the Holy Spirit within you and what a wonderful blessing He is to have within you, as you worship. 

Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say Rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

Now, I spoke about easy things when it comes to worship. Singing when you are happy and having a great day. That is easy. 

What to do when you are not in the mood to praise God?

    Remember the phrase above from scripture: "Seek first our God in heaven, then all these things will be added to you." Well, what do we do when we are scared, afraid, uncomfortable, irritable, ashamed? (Ephesians 4:25-32)

Many of you might do nothing and run to something on this earth, which is not a wise idea. That becomes your god at that point. You are expecting that "thing" to save you, heal you, embrace you. It is a creation, not a Savior or Creator. (Take a look at this site, Olive Tree, Jeremiah 2:11, Matthew 22:37, Romans 8:5 )

    When those emotions or terrible, or even mild trials and tribulations happen to you, you should be praying for sure. Most Christians do. (1 Corinthians 10:13) However, what I want to teach you is that singing to the Lord in a loud voice, and remembering Who He is will bring you victory over any fleshly emotion, any enemy coming against you. 

     It is amazing how my countenance changes when I praise my Savior Jesus and Daddy God in heaven. He is faithful to remind me in the lyrics, even when crying, that He loves me, knows my pain or frustration, and will give me the peace and joy that only He can give. It is healing and everlasting. It also breaks the bonds of anger and bitterness you can build when you are really frustrated with your life and/or people. To be perfectly honest, I have had times where music and singing were just too hard for me to handle, sometimes I have been too sad to sing. That is where listening to the lyrics, praying while they sing, and just being still with Him makes a big difference.  (Psalm 46:10)Being still in His presence, just being humble and needing Him, is what will help you begin to hear His Holy Spirit's small gentle voice encouraging you and blessing you. (Isaiah 30)

  While there are many examples, I was driving one time and I was pretty distraught. The enemy was really digging in, and I began to focus my mind on praising Him with praise music. I praised God and all of a sudden the Lord started speaking to me, even through the lyrics, and encouraging me. Then, I began to sense His power and I prayed for the enemy to leave me. He was faithful, as usual. I felt the weight leave my body and I was as light as a feather and in perfect peace, only Jesus can give. What a might and sweet Shepherd we serve. His rod and staff are so important to us. (James 4:7-10, Psalm 23)

Have you noticed that worship is more than just singing, dancing, and playing an instrument? It is also reading and speaking to others about God and His words in the Bible to others. It is about praying and seeking His throne of grace and mercy, wanting to hear every word from Him you can. It is fasting, or denying ones self for a time something to show God your humble heart before Him, so He knows you are ready to speak with Him and listen intently to His Holy Spirit's prompting. (Mark 8:34-38, Psalm 139

The overall theme of worship and praise is thinking on Who He is, seeking Him always and in various means mentioned above, reading His word fervently and humbly for His teaching and correction, and lastly it is a chance to serve Him through every facet of your life through obedience and serving others. 

Yes, acts of obedience and walking the path God calls you to, is showing love to our Father in heaven and this will send the enemy packing their bags out of your life. (1 Peter 1:13-21, John 15:9-17 )

This is not about salvation, but worship and devotion to our God and King in heaven. 

He expects it, but He won't force it.  

He deserves it, and we owe Him our lives. 

You need Him, so worship the Lord with all of your heart, mind, body, soul, spirit. 

Praise be to God we get to do these things and He hears us, draws near to us, and speaks into our lives. 

Praise Jesus for His sacrifice and His love towards us. 

Who am I that Jesus chose me, and I get to love Him forever, and spend time with Him and our Daddy God in heaven and on earth every minute I want. (Matthew 22:14, Ephesians 1:3-14)

It is a truly spectacular and overwhelming thought how we can speak to our El Shaddai, our Creator, the God of all Existence. He is the One and True God, there is NO OTHER. I will forever praise His Holy and Beautiful name and character to all and everyone. He is mine and I am His.  Amen.

Can you say the same? 💖😍 

As always, 

Get to Work Church Family and do the work God calls you to. Time is short before our bridegroom is told to come bring us home. YAY! (Matthew 24, 25, 2 Thessalonians 2)

Please send a prayer, comment, or question to my email or comment section so I can not only pray for you, but also answer any questions you might have. If you want to encourage my ministry or share how you were blessed, that is always nice. To know if there is fruit in this ministry, or seeds sown, is important to me. I would love to hear from you. 

Youtube: "There Is A Name" sung by Sean Feucht from our new album VICTORY. There Is a Name

Written by Sean Feucht / Pat Barrett / Ben Hastings

Lyrics: Written by Cory Asbury, Ran Jackson, Ricky Jackson, and Brian Johnson "Endless Alleluia" from Cory Asbury's new album Reckless Love :

"Victory Is Yours" sung by Bethany Wohrle from our new album VICTORY. Victory Is Yours

Written by Brian Johnson / Ben Fielding / Matt Crocker / Reuben Morgan

There is a Fountain (Full of Love) arranged and bridge written by Shane Barnard


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