Are You Willing To Walk The Narrow Road?

It is a Narrow Road

 Scriptures to read and pray concerning this posting:

  • Jeremiah 18:1-23
  • 2 Chronicles 16:9
  • Isaiah 21:4
  • Deuteronomy 28:1-68
  • Isaiah 59:1-21
  • Isaiah 55:8-9
  • Psalm 45:1-17


Take a moment and consider the people of this land, the United States of America, this day:

  • Justice does not exist in this land.

  • People who are not indwelled with the Holy Spirit, indeed can’t discern truth from lies, so they are constantly deceived. Morality is all they have, and even that is a lie for them. They can’t keep up with their own lie of believing they are good.


  • Walking with God, and practicing righteousness is impossible because people are doing it in their own strength with works and not with Jesus. He is our strength, not man nor ourselves.  

  • People act like they can hold it together and still be in sin. They want to believe they are holy or righteous. They are not, because they are constantly blinded by their pride. They stumble for the next best thing. They constantly end up in wastelands that give no sustenance, no lasting refreshment, other than a moment of breath, which in the end…leads to more blindness, stumbling, and destitution of the soul, heart, and body. Complete destruction. 

  • These people who choose to do it their way, with pride being the point of contention, are always grumpy, always complaining, always grumbling…never satisfied, as bears never are. They can’t get peace, and neither be peacemakers.  They are always tearing down things in a destructive manner because their hunger and thirst needs aren’t met. 

  • They moan and whine because they are always without joy. No contentment, no thankfulness, no love…no joy. 

  • They want and expect justice or things to go their way, but they don’t. So, they become internalized inside and begin to contemplate death, and separation from this life in some way: suicide, addictions, distractions…the like. All are chasing after the wind and all are destructive. These are idols of a man, those that turn the backs of a man from the One and Only God that can bring them that peace, joy, and comfort…that mercy and grace they believe is not attainable. The lie from the enemy of all enemies: Satan himself.

  • There is a point where a person has to come to terms with their sins. They can’t deny the truth, but they can distract themselves from it. Ignoring it only breeds a scar that eventually becomes numb to God’s calling to them, to “come” 

  • Due to the nation choosing all the items listed in these, lying against God, breaking His commandments and saying it isn’t so, departing from God completely to your own devices or fleshly ways, speaking oppression and revolt (this is where there is discord, chaos, and disorder) in the household, the states, the whole governmental system. This can’t be, because it will not ever lead to peace and joy…nothing good comes from wickedness. That is why God looks on the inside and beyond our understanding. 

  • The nation needs to get rid of the media, such as false news, liars, and adulterers of this nation's foundations. The people of this country, including the churches, have chosen to become idle, turning their backs on truth to produce a false peace, not willing to stand up for righteousness, always lying, and always thinking evil thoughts. 

  • Equity (honesty) can’t exist without righteousness, justice, and truth. Therefore, truth fails. 

  •  Jesus is the bringer of all these parts: Psalm 45:1-17

With this, we end with the statement at the end of this portion of Isaiah 59: 

He who departs from evil makes himself prey…meaning….

Practical Application:

If you choose God, to walk in the Spirit, to learn and love the Lord your God, you have to be willing to be attacked like a lamb for the slaughter. This is something the country, the church, and the whole world really have to consider when choosing to walk with God. (Jeremiah 18:1-23, Isaiah 21:4)

What does this mean?

There are awesome, humbling reasons to be willing to be uncomfortable, suffer, and be prey to the wicked people overtaken by the invisible army of the enemy, Satan.

Number 1: We get to glorify God with our lives!  


We get to be loved, cared for, saved, provided for, protected, covered, shielded, strengthened, and experience God’s wonderful attributes, miracles, wonders, and….

  • We get to be in heaven with our Perfect Father God, Abba Father, of all creation.

  • We get to be with Jesus our Messiah and King, our God who loved us first.

  • We get to have the Holy Spirit's help, comfort, and strength (dunamis power) as we go through this physical life.

  • We get to love God (Deuteronomy 6:4-5, John 15:1-27, John 16:1-33, John 17:1-26), as God loves us, in truth.

  • We get the grace and mercy that can’t be worked for, can’t be bought by us. (Ephesians 1:3-22, Ephesians 2:1-22, Galatians 5:1-25)

The fine was already paid for. We just have to repent,  accept Christ Jesus's gift at the cross, and choose to submit to our Father in heaven, to Jesus our Shepherd and King, to the Holy Spirit of the living God.

  Remember, when we abide in Christ Jesus, we are safe in His hands, and He safe in our Father God's hands. We have the indwelling Holy Spirit, who will never abandon us, nor fail us. For God is faithful and true. He is never changing. His love never fails nor changes. 

Get it? I have to choose to ignore the lies that the enemy throws my way, that my sins are just too bad. Jesus's atonement and redeeming blood was enough for paying our way to heaven. What a journey He had to bear for His friends. 

Who are Jesus's friends? Well...those who abide in Him. His sheep. 

Are you one of those sheep?🤔 

 How simple. How true. How light and lovely is this love of our God. He is worthy of all praise, glory, and honor. Why not be willing to give it all?🥰🥰💕

God that indwells the children of our living Abba God, indeed loves us deeply and more than we can imagine: Isaiah 59:15-21

His love is undeniable. He planned this before the creation of the world. Read 

Genesis 3:15, John 17:24,

Genesis 1:1

In the beginning God (Elohim: 3 in 1, the whole trinity of God) created the heavens and the earth.

Elohim: notice it is plural

Psalm 51:1-19

To our Lord God, and as a nation, this psalm sums it all up…

Notice at the end of the Psalm, David was inspired (as per his usual) to ask for protection, blessings, and help for Jerusalem…the Holy City of Israel, chosen by God to house the Ark of the Covenant, the Temple of our True and Living God, and the place of sacrifice and atonement for Israel. God calls all nations to bless Israel. Not to forsake her. (Ezekiel 28:25-26, Ezekiel 36:1-38, Zechariah 8:1-23, Zechariah 9:9-17, Zechariah 10:1-12, Zechariah 12:1-14, Zechariah 14:1-21, Revelation 19:1-16, Revelation 21:1-27)

👆There are many more about Israel, but these are just as pertinent.

What about the United States of America?

Our country has already done this dastardly deed, and there will be consequences. Psalm 52:1-9 acknowledges God’s judgment on those who would harm His children. The country full of wickedness doesn’t see immediate destruction, but it does indeed come. 

The last verses of Psalm 52:8-9 speaks: 

But I am like a green olive tree in the house of God;

I trust in the mercy of God forever and ever.

I will praise You forever,

Because You have done it;

And in the presence of Your saints

I will wait on Your name, for it is good.

So we wait on Him, those of us who are God’s kids. (Revelation 22:1-21)

In the meantime…don’t be idle, be ready in season and out of season to defend the gospel, call out evil, and walk in the Spirit with our calling during this time of Noah. (2 Thessalonians 3:1-18, 2 Timothy 3:1-17)

How long will the Lord Jesus tarry to come and grab His bride…no one knows…(1 Thessalonians 4:13-18)

Things to consider and be warned:

Don’t get caught twiddling your thumbs, watching the action with popcorn in hand, and watching those moving over the cliff falling to their deaths. (Matthew 28:18-20, Ephesians 3:1-21)

Take a look at these verses!

Don’t get caught, believer in Jesus Christ and child of the Most High God, sitting and watching our family of faith, falling into sin and doing nothing to reach in and be willing to get burned for their sake and the sake of our Father's name in heaven. In addition, remembering that Jesus our Messiah, who was sacrificed for all our sins, died for our sister and brother. By the leading of the Holy Spirit, and with wisdom and discernment, speak it in love and truth! (Galatians 6:1-18, James 5:7-20, 1 John 2:1-29)

Complacency is worse in the eyes of God than those who are intentionally turned from God. (Revelation 3:14-22) Those who are truthfully not wanting God, will get what they want, and they are ok with the consequences. Though, they are blind, they do have choices in this life.

God knows this, He knows all thoughts, actions, and words that man has. All will be accountable to God in the end. (Isaiah 55:8-9, Psalm 139, Matthew 12:36-37)

Read Revelation to see! 

Are you ready for the Lord to get His house in order?

Know, we will have to stand and give our testimony to hungry souls, tell the gospel of our gracious and loving Jesus, and be an example of God's grace and righteousness in this ever perverted and darkening world.

We are here for such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

Be ready to stand and willing to possibly lose it all, including your life and family for His glory, and to give Jesus honor, who died and lost it all for ours. ( James 1:2-27, 2 Corinthians 1:3-23, 1 Peter 4:12, 2 Peter 2:9, 1 Peter 1:6, Hebrews 11:1-40)

Stand and be ready brethren and sisters in Christ Jesus. Ready or not...He is moving. No one is greater than the Master. Jesus Christ, our God and King, is ours. Armor up and stand.

Even with the election completed and what has come to pass, seems like a long term peace in our land, it is not so. It is short term and we have a small window to get the gospel out there and to bring the dead and dying church back to life. But remember, not by our will, but God's will and timing.


I leave you with this, which is from our Balm of Gilead, our Sweet Salve of relief from any fear or worry:

Deuteronomy 31:6, Joshua 1:9 --Reiteration of Deuteronomy), Matthew 11:25-30, Psalm 91:2, Psalm 62:1-12)

Abide in Him:

1 John 2:28-29

And now, little children, abide in Him, that [h]when He appears, we may have confidence and not be ashamed before Him at His coming. If you know that He is righteous, you know that everyone who practices righteousness is born of Him.

Official Lyric Video for “Take You At Your Word” by Cody Carnes 


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